Monday, October 27, 2014




verb (used with object), make the form, nature, content, futurecourse, etc., of (something) different from what it is or from what it would be if left alone

Let's think about that for a minute.....and let it sink in. Change, as much as we may not want to believe or accept it, is inevitable.  We all change daily, weekly, monthly and so forth.

Imagine what our world would be like, if we all stayed exactly the same as we are for the rest of our lives! How many of us would be ok with that, let alone fulfilled?

The truth is humans are evolving creatures. I am not talking about creation and Darwinism. I am a Christian, therefore I do not believe in evolution. What I'm referring to is, the evolution of self.....that struggle of man against against nature and man against himself.

It is human nature to desire and thrive for better in one's life.  Nomatter your individual level of success we have achieved, we ALL always want to do better.

So what's stopping you today? What hinders you from reaching your potential?  Think about it, evaluate it, then eliminate it!

Always remember that in life we regret more that which we DIDN'T do 😄

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