Wednesday, November 5, 2014


People are always going to attack you and speak ill of you. Whether you are a church mouse or a village bicycle. Allowing people who are not significant or relevant in your life to ruffle your feathers is pointless. They do not like you and you more than likely do not like them, so not lower yourself to their level.

Petty and vindictive people are essentially miserable. They spend time and energy trying to hurt and otherwise cause others demise.  At the end of the day...all that is a reflection of how they feel about themselves.

Rise above negative not engage them. The best revenge is being happy and NOT being bothered.

Today: Pledge not to waste time seeking revenge on those who have hurt you. Instead pray for and wish them the best, and continue to live your fulfilled life 😉

Monday, November 3, 2014

You can't love a man into maturity


Now that being said, we've been told that actions speak louder than words. It's the way he talks to you, he buys you things, pays your bills, you spend the night at his house, you cuddle after you make love, you go out in public, you meet his family and kids, everyone knows you're an item blah blah means absolutely zilch!

If a man tells you he doesn't want to be in a relationship, believe him! Do not go by his actions. If he wants to be with you nothing will stop him, if he doesn't NOTHING will make him stay!

Realize it's okay to fall for someone who doesn't love you back, its not okay to live in denial. Don't allow someone to have their cake and it too, while keeping you off the market without fully committing to you. It's not fair and it's not right. Know your worth.

Sunday, November 2, 2014

Love doesn't hurt

Many of us, matter of fact all of us, unless you are a sociopath, desire companionship. Adam couldn't do it alone, he was lonely and so God created woman. As humans, we are social creatures, we are not equipped emotionally to go through life alone.

This applies mostly to females and possibly a few men. When you believe you are "in love", I want you to ask yourself 3 fundamental questions. If you answer no to ANY one of them, then you need to reevaluate what you are feeling.

1) Are you happy?
Don't get me wrong, all couples argue and have disagreements, but ask yourself if you truly are happy with your partner.

2) Do you feel appreciated?
Or does your partner take you for granted. Do they abuse or neglect you and are sure you aren't going to leave them? Do they thank you,  when you do something for them. Do they tell you how they feel about you? Are you a priority in their life?

3) If your father found out how this man is treating you, how would he feel?
Would he welcome him to the family with open arms, or would he be heartbroken and saddened that you were allowing someone to treat you like that?

3 fairly simple questions, with very deeply emotional implications. These are very powerful questions, you need to ask yourself if you are questioning whether you are in love or not.

The fact that you are even questioning it is a red flag. Please always remember your worth. Being alone doesnt have to mean you will be lonely. Surround yourself with positive people and you will attract such

Love unconditionally

It’s Unconditional

by Joyce Meyer - posted November 02, 2014

But God shows and clearly proves His [own] love for us by the fact that while we were still sinners, Christ (the Messiah, the Anointed One) died for us. 
—Romans 5:8

According to God's Word, He loved us before the world was formed, before we loved Him or believed in Him. God does not require us to earn His love, and we must not require others to earn ours. We should realize that love is something we are to become; it is not something we do and then don't do. We cannot turn it on and off, depending on whom we want to give it to and how they are treating us.

As believers in Jesus Christ, the love we are to manifest to the world is the unconditional love of God flowing through us to them. Our love has conditions and limits; His does not.

Loving people unconditionally is a very big challenge. I would be tempted to say it is impossible, but God tells us to do it, and He never commands us to do something and then leaves us to perform it on our own. His grace (His power, ability, and favor) is sufficient for us, which means He enables us to do what He has called us to do.

God actually sends some people into our lives to function as "sand¬paper" to help smooth our rough edges. Learning to walk in love with unlovely people is one of the most important tools God uses to develop our spiritual maturity.

Love Others Today: "Lord, give me grace to love everyone in my life, even the difficult ones."

Saturday, November 1, 2014

He who is without sin.....cast the first stone

The saddest thing about humans is their hypocrisy. We are all always so quick to pass judgment on one another, but what gives us the right?  In Luke 7 we are instructed to judge not.  Yet everyday someones scandal or mistake is broadcast for the world to see, texts, pics, screenshots, videos etc. The even sadder part is 9 times out of 10, the betrayal is by a confidant. Why do people thrive offa hurting others. How can you find joy in anothers demise??? We got to do better and stop fueling the fire by entertaining malicious people and their propaganda. No one is perfect!